Video: Breaking the Cycle: Creating Solutions for Water Security in the Middle East

On January 21, 2015, the Hollings Center for International Dialogue held a panel entitled, “Breaking the Cycle: Creating Solutions for Water Security in the Middle East.”

Event Description:
Often overshadowed by political turmoil, the Middle East faces increasing environmental and resource-based challenges, notably its depleting water resources. Overuse enabled by government subsidies, growing demographic challenges and misuse of what scarce resources do exist challenge the long-term sustainability of the region’s resources. Despite the gravity of the issue, many innovative ideas for solutions do exist and technological improvements provide hope for addressing these challenges. Please join us for a conversation exploring these potential solutions.

Raymond Karam, Program Associate and Washington, D.C. Representative, EastWest Institute

Scott Moore, Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow and Research Associate, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University

David Dumke, Director, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research and Studies, University of Central Florida

Introductions by Michael Carroll, Executive Director, Hollings Center


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