Youth continue to be largely ignored by those in power. Rather than viewing them as important human capital, youth are often viewed with suspicion because they frequently challenge traditional norms and ways of doing things in society. These authorities fail to comprehend that putting youth to work would not only enhance economic growth, but promote […]
Raafat Radwan discusses some of the challenges to building better relationships between the public and private sector, highlighting the importance in building trust to smart city development. Raafat Radwan is a national, regional and international consultant with more than 40 years of career experience in both the public sector and as a consultant in different […]
Jane Macfarlane discusses how transportation in urban environments has reached a tipping point. She highlights the types of data being collected and how it could be better used for active control across entire networks. She discusses ongoing research on how to design smart transportation systems. Jane Macfarlane has been a pioneer in applying advanced computing […]
In order to expand mutual peace, prosperity and overcome barriers to trade Hollings Center for International Dialogue grantees from Pakistan and Afghanistan launched an Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade Portal (APTP). The Project aimed at supporting and growing bilateral trade and economic links and between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The trade portal web site can be found at: […]
Like other GCC states, Oman is working to diversify its economy and is engaged in a plan to achieve this goal. Khalid Alharibi and Fatma Abduljalil Moosa discuss Oman’s progress toward this goal. They further discuss how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) will play a role in Oman’s economic future. Khalid Alharibi is the […]
A non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering dialogue between the United States and countries with predominantly Muslim populations in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Eurasia and Europe
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