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Speakers Series

Southeast Asian Geopolitical Dynamics

Explore insights on Southeast Asian geopolitical dynamics, focusing on U.S.-China competition, regional stability, and partnerships.

Environmental Cooperation Southeast Asia

Courtney Weatherby discusses potential for environmental cooperation in Southeast Asia and how the US can play a role.

U.S. Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia

Greg Polling discusses how U.S. Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia is changing in light of new challenges in the region.

U.S.-Indonesia Relations

Senia Febrica discusses the current state of U.S.-Indonesia relations. She focuses on potential collaboration on the environment.

U.S.-Malaysia Economic Relations

Thomas Daniel describes the current state of U.S.-Malaysia economic relations and ways in which the two can work more effectively together.

US Policy Toward Syria

What are the perceptions of U.S. engagement in Syria? What should the United States change in its policy toward Syria?

Climate Change Mitigation in MENA

How can efforts in climate change mitigation in MENA be integrated into U.S. policies in the Middle East? Zeinab Shukar answers.

The New Iraq and US Policy

How will the new Iraq and U.S. policy be aligned? What does the “new Iraq” look like? Mohammed Shummary gives details.

U.S. Engagement in MENA

What changes should be suggested to the post-9/11 U.S. engagement in MENA? Elizabeth Nugent provides thoughts and suggestions.

Supporting Women Scholars in Afghanistan

How is the Afghan Womens Scholars network supporting women scholars in Afghanistan? Founder Sweeta Akbari explains AWS’ platform.

A non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering dialogue between the United States and countries with predominantly Muslim populations in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Eurasia and Europe


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